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Discover a dance collaboration of disabled and non-disabled artists

 Q Dance performing the piece titled Iwalewa

Q Dance company, one of the dance groups in the Dis-Fix event, a dance collaboration of disabled and non-disabled artists from Nigeria and the UK is set to be held on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th October 2015 at the Muri Okunola park Victoria Island Lagos.

Candoco Dance Company  Candoco Dance Company

"Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder, far deeper than what we see on the surface and interpreted in a different way by every individual", with this saying being the ban of this event.
This unique dance event is a British Council UK /Nigeria initiative led by popular British dance company Candoco and Nigerian choreographer, Qudus Onikeku.
Isonilojo Dance Piece by Ijodee Dance Company II  Isonilojo Dance Piece by Ijodee Dance Company II

Its aims are to show a different level of dance and choreography, establish that dance and music are purely artistic and can be done by both disabled and non-disabled dancers as well as to exhibit equality in all humans regardless of race, sex, age and physical abilities or disabilities as able dancers were joined by deaf and physically challenged choreographers in the wheel chair showcasing their different talents.
Q Dance performing the piece titled Iwalewa II  Q Dance performing the piece titled Iwalewa II

Qudus Onikeku, CEO of Q Dance studios and the creator of Iwalewa, a dance piece to be exhibited at the event believes listening and dancing goes beyond using our ears and eyes but with our mind and soul while to Adedayo Liadi, CEO of Ijodee dance centre and creator of Nisonilojo dance piece, Dance is a thing of perception and every human has a unique view and interpretation to dance and art.
When asked why the British Council is supporting this event, the Country Director, Connie Price simply said:
"Friendship is a very important aspect of life" and the friendship Britain has with Nigeria is highly valued.
Isonilojo Dance Piece by Ijodee Dance Company Isonilojo Dance Piece by Ijodee Dance Company

Toyin, one of the physically challenged dancers who dances from a wheel chair described the experience as a great opportunity as this is her first time dancing.
"I feel great and important," she gushed.
This unique dance event is a British Council UK /Nigeria initiative led by popular British dance company Candoco and Nigerian choreographer, Qudus Onikeku.
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