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Actress Chioma Toplis: My husband ‘ll commit suicide if

In 2005, Chioma Toplis stormed Nollywood with the movie entitled, Trinity. Shortly after that, her cinematic prominence with a string of other successful flicks won her applause from movie pundits. Then she married her White husband, took a sabbatical from filmmaking, relocated to London and had since made a name for herself as a success­ful businesswoman.
The Umuahia, Abia State-born plus-sized diva recently came into the country and opened up to Entertainer on a wide range of issues, especially the controversy trailing her marriage, raunchy pictures on Facebook and lots more. Excerpts:
What brought you back to Nigeria?
I came back just few days ago and I haven’t really rested. Jumping from one movie location to another. This is actually the third time I am coming to Nigeria this year. Whenever I am in the United Kingdom, I con­centrate on my family, but if I come back to Nigeria, it is always work and more work. If I’m not on movie set, I am stocking my boutique in Victoria Island, Lagos.
You are obviously a seasonal actress, are you not finding it difficult to interpret roles after giving acting a break?
It is my God given talent, so I don’t struggle to interpret movie roles. I have a focus. I just fall into the character like I do every other normal day.
Don’t you feel threatened by the ways young and vibrant actresses are springing up?
No! Not at all, I am not desperate. If I get roles, fine, if not, I have other things that keep me busy. I don’t go around begging for roles. We are not the same; we all have different roles to play. Because of my size, I can’t play student, but I am fit for a teacher.
Are you still into movies production?
When I first came into the industry, I co-produced the movie that brought me into Nollywood from the UK. Then, I didn’t have good experience about the industry. For now, I am not thinking of doing another one, but you can’t tell what will happen tomorrow. I am okay for now.
Music is the new trend for actors, are you going to join them?
No (laughs), I can’t even sing to save my life. Please, I can’t. I sing in my house, for my kids, just for fun.
You are always posting raunchy photos on Face­book. Is there anything we need to know about it?
I post my sexy pictures anytime I feel like. In the UK, I am registered with some agents that do plus sized lin­gerie. So, I have been pushing to be one of their models. I won’t give up; who knows someday my dream will come true. People should know that my husband and other family members fully support whatever I am doing with my body. Whenever I go for my shoot, my husband is always there to supervise, so people should let me be.
Funnily enough, I respond harshly to critics that insult me for doing what I love doing. My husband doesn’t, my kids too, so why must one stranger control me? I am old enough to know what I am doing. The Bible says in… (I can’t even remember the part of the Bible), but I know God said all that matters is our hearts not what we wear outside. If you look at my photo and it’s turning you on, you can scroll down, pass or better still delete yourself off my Facebook wall. Some men will be there romancing my pictures on Facebook, but when I post something educational or inspirational, they won’t even read or comment. They are bunch of hypocrites.
Is it true that you have also gone into fashion?
I have always loved to be creative with the sewing machine, but it is just for home use. I make clothes for my kids because they love African wears. It is not a business per say, but part of my passion. kids because they love African wears. It
Will any of your kids come into entertainment industry?
I think my last daughter at 15 is already into all forms of entertain­ment. She is my carbon copy. She has turned my costumier and always assisting whenever I go shooting in the UK.
How did you meet your White husband?
It was a friend of mine who was mar­ried to a Norwegian that took me to a party; I think it was a send-forth party on an island. When I came in, he was like ‘who is this?’ He sent somebody to offer me drinks. He walked up to me and told me that he loved the way I was smiling especially my set of teeth. That was how the whole thing started. He gave me his complimentary card and asked me to give him a call anytime. Ironically, that was the first White guy I ever met in my life. One thing led to another, I got pregnant for him and we ended up as a couple.
What was your family members’ reaction when you brought home a White guy for marriage?
The kind of family I come from, they don’t have any issue with who­ever you want to marry, either he’s a foreigner or not, even my younger sister is married to a White guy. When my parents heard I was getting married to a White guy they were not bothered because it was my choice and I was no longer a kid.
How did you feel among your peers being a wife of a White guy at such a young age?
Then, especially in La­gos here, once they see you with a White guy they think you are committing atrocity. God knows I was not into prostitution when I met my husband. I was even young and naïve. A lot of people distanced themselves from me because they felt I was into prostitution. Deep down inside me, I was asking myself, what about those doing prostitution with Black guys, is it not the same thing? But along the line, so many of them started com­ing back to me, that I should connect them too, it was kind of crazy and funny. To prove them wrong, I went to my vil­lage with my husband to do our marriage proper, even my sister who is also married to a Briton came home to do her traditional marriage.
How has it been married to a White man?
I don’t have any problem with his family. My mother-in-law died when I had my daughter in 1998 and my father-in-law also died some years ago. They used to come and stay with us during Christmas pe­riod. I never had any problem with them before they died. My husband has only one sister who lives in Cyprus.
Did you ever think of getting married to a White man while growing up?
No, I didn’t. But then, when I was in secondary school, one of my elder sis­ter’s friends used to call me ‘Chummy London’ because of the way I used to do. We are seven in our house; my elder sister is a lawmaker in Abia State now. Then I was like, I want to go to University of Cambridge in London. It was like a dream come true.
You are always traveling in and out, how then do you cope without your husband and sex for such a long time?
Well (laughs), we are used to it. We are more like brothers and sisters now. Besides, I don’t stay more than three months outside my home.
Nollywood and constant failed marriages, what do you think is the reason?
For me, I think anything can hap­pen. Brother and sister do have prob­lems, let alone different people coming together to be husband and wife, many things could be the reason. Everybody has his or her own challenges in life.
Do you think it would come to you some day?
Not for me, no matter how they talk about it, it will never happen. I know what I’m talking about because I know the man I am married to. It will never happen. That is why I’m not moved. When I read what people wrote on the pages of newspapers and on the Internet, I just laughed. In fact, if I tell my husband that I am leaving him today, he will commit suicide. I am the pillar of that home, though I am not the one provid­ing for the family, I remain the pillar. I can say it again; I don’t see my marriage crash­ing. If they like, let them do or say whatever they like, my husband will not leave me. It is me that would decide whether I am going to leave him or not.
How would you describe yourself?
I am an easy-going person when you come close to me. I don’t need to blow my trumpet. I love to be on my own.
Have you finally recon­ciled with your estranged friend, Oge Okoye?
Please don’t drag me back to this. We have all grown past the drama that happened then. If I see her, if I feel like saying ‘hello’, I’ll do and go my way. If she feels like talk­ing to me, I will answer her and go my way.
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